Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Well I survived my holiday. Just about. We stayed in my parents' holiday home and as always my mother stocked the presses with loads of treats for the kids. Pringles in every flavour, mini mars bars, chocolate hobnobs, after eights. The kids did their best but I think it was the first time we ever finished the holiday with treats left over. It was kind of scary how much was left actually - do I really eat that much every other year? The sun shined enough to warrant having to purchase quite a few 99 icecreams - which were eaten with gusto by the children.

One child couldn't always finish her ice-cream. I would normally do the honours but this year I had to leave the remains to the nearest rubbish bin and the very grateful wasps circling around it. For the first time I was not able to eat at the local chipper - the Salt and Batter - but I had quite a few nice pasta dishes in the café next door, Belle's Kitchen. Our farewell treat is always an ice-cream sundae in Belle's - as you can see, the children certainly enjoyed theirs. I had a bowl of soup. :(.

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