Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Are Chicken Wings Junk Food?

So the latest debate around the water-cooler has been 'Are chicken wings junk food?'. Now, opinions on this one I have to say were very divided. I mean, chicken is just chicken, isn't it? Well if it's deep-fried in batter and has a KFC sticker on it, then even chicken is classed as junk-food. Or if it's been shaped into dinosaur shapes, alphabet letters or 'nugget's, covered in breadcrumbs and once again, deep-fried, it's definitely junk food. Or if it's shaped into a round, flat circle, slathered in mayonnaise and ketchup and stuck between two burger buns - even then - it really is junk food. But what about chicken wings? You can eat chicken wings lots of different ways. Barbequed or deep-fried, marinated in hoi-sin sauce or barbeque sauce or honey and ginger. Or turn them into buffalo wings. And what's with that? Why do Americans call chicken wings 'buffalo wings?' Buffalos can't fly. I always wondered about that but until now I had no desire to google it. Curiosity got the better of me today and I discovered that it's because they were 'invented' in the Anchor Bar in the town of Buffalo near New York City. Here's a link for the recipe if you want to try them: http://americanfood.about.com/od/appetizersandsoups/r/bufchicwing.htm
I decided that it's a bit touch and go with chicken/buffalo wings. The deep-fried kind that come in a foil bag at the local Spar or Centra are definitely out - but if they are stuck to a roast chicken I think I'm allowed them. The Cornstore on Thomas Street do some particularly good chicken wings with blue cheese sauce - much nicer than the ones in the picture. Something to look forward to 80 days time!

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