Friday, July 22, 2011

Come Dine With Me?

Like most people in Limerick, I've been glued to Come Dine with Me all week - and last night I found I have a kindred spirit in one of the contestants. Like me, Kathleen admits to being a junk-food addict. However, unlike me, Kathleen doesn't seem to like anything else - she's barely touched a morsel all week. So, while I'm finding this no junk-food lark a struggle - at least I can enjoy other foods. I've got some good ideas from the show too. I'm definitely going to be trying that spinach and apricot stuffed pork steak - it looked delicious even if Kathleen couldn't eat it. As for Cyril's double deep-fried battered jam sandwiches served with Bird's custard - that's one junk food I think I can quite easily avoid. Even the sprig of mint carefully placed in the dollop of cream fails to make it tempting for me. Although the contestants all swear blindly they were delicious, I remain unconvinced. Cyril swears you can batter anything and deep-fry it. I'm sure that's true but it doesn't mean you can make it appetising. I confess though that I've always had a hankering to try that Scottish speciality - a deep-fried Mars Bar. Surely the ultimate junk food? There's a chipper near Westbury that does them. I think I might reward myself when the 95 days to go. Heck, after 95 days I might even eat one of Cyrils jam fritters. In the meantime - anyone who feels sorry for me can sponsor me here: And a big thanks to Mary McMahon, Eddie and Aileen, Denise and Nuala for the latest contributions.

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