Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why don't cinemas sell healthy snacks?

Stupid question, I know - who the hell wants to munch on celery while watching a movie? Certainly not me. But the cinema is a real problem when on this challenge. I mean you can smell the popcorn from the carpark. My personal favourite is to get a big bucket of popcorn and then empty a giant bag of Minstrels into and give it all a good shake. Wash it down with a monstrous-sized coke. I would share my popcorn - I'm not a Joey (http://bit.ly/d8BUkA), but I'd probably be subconsciously counting every time a fist goes in the bucket to make sure I get at least 50 percent of the goodies. The whole cinema experience just demands popcorn. So, it was with much trepidation that I ventured to the Omniplex to try and enjoy a film with nothing to munch on. I was clever enough to choose a very hot day and an early showing which meant not too many people in the cinema and so a lot less smell of popcorn. I was also clever enough to arrive almost late so there wasn't even time to inhale the aromas as I passed the popcorn and goodies counter. I got through it. Granted, I felt a bit cheated of the whole experience but I saved a few bob and I proved it can be done. An achievement worthy of someone sponsoring me a fiver don't you think? If you do - then go to this website: www.mycharity.ie/event/nojunkfoodchallenge/and donate! Pretty please!
P.S. A big thanks to Katie Walsh for her donation yesterday. It put a big smile on my face.

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