Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 100

I'm going to count backwards to Day One rather than upwards to Day 100 - I think it'll be easier to cope with that way mentally. Only x number of days to go - and that number getting smaller all the time.
So now - just 99 days to go! YEAH!
It wasn't too bad today - a trip to hospital in Dublin meant little opportunity. Although mother did produce Fox's Chocolate rings with my coffee when we went to visit afterwards but I found it easy enough to resist.
Less easy tonight with my cup of tea, but I managed.
I see half choccie bar I've hidden that I will have to throw out as it's dark chocolate which no one else likes and it will easily be stale in 100 days. Maybe the fact I haven't thrown it out proves I've little faith in myself.
We'll see.

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