Sunday, June 26, 2011

Official Launch and name-change tomorrow!

Ok, so I've decided I'm going mega-public on this. It's the only way to make me stick to it properly. So I've decided to do an official launch on Live95FM tomorrow - the thing is, if I'm getting the radio involved and getting them to support me on this, it makes sense to change the name for 'marketing' purposes. So my 100-day challenge is going to become a 95-day challenge - geddit? Live95FM? It's not cheating - in fact, in the end I will actually have done more than 100 days - but the 95 days has more of catchy ring about it for the radio.
I had that 'brainwave' on Friday - but I decided not to stop and start again because I was afraid if I stopped I'd just give up altogether. So the suffering has been continuing. The picture is of the sausage rolls Denise brought to work and offered around on Friday. It led to a debate about whether sausage rolls were junk food. The vote concluded that they are. Big, fat, greasy sausage rolls that smelled divine. The pleasure that my work colleagues got out of eating them in front of me was a worrying indicator of what I've got ahead of me.
There is some very good news though -I'm almost at 100 euro. A big, big thanks to the latest donations from Elaine Wilson, Suzanne O'Brien and Nessa Murnaghan.

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