Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Yum Yums

Have you ever tasted a Marks and Spencer Yum Yum? If not, you haven't lived. (Cue Marks and Spencer food ad music). These aren't just ordinary treats. These are lightly whipped bars of batter, loving shaped, tenderly coated in gooey Canadian icing sugar, then deliciously deep-fried -melt in your mouth treats. They are quite simply, heaven. I'm told they go lovely with a cup of tea but I think they're great with coffee. Heck, Yum Yums would go great with a glass of prune juice. Never have I come across a more aptly named food. Alas, I have 90 odd days to go before I taste a Yum Yum again. Mark Whelan brought some to work this morning and left them in the kitchen - cruel. I'll have to satisfy myself with smelling the wrapper later. I promise not to lick it.

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